Examples of health care articles:
New HCV drugs are cost-effective, but who should get them? Rationing is already happening with these $1,000-per-pill treatments. Here's what the ethicists say.
Illinois Medicaid moves to managed care : Sherry Loveless hasn't left her bedroom in years because of her medical condition. Managed-care Medicaid may make all the difference for people like her. This Chicago Tribune/Kaiser Health News project explores the change.
ACA repeal won't be quick or easy: President-elect Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress are looking for
a way to quickly repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) without millions
of Americans losing health insurance. However, quick and easy is
unlikely, experts say.
Tax on sugary drinks could reduce obesity rate: Taxing sugar-sweetened soft drinks at 20% would cut the number of obese
adults in the United Kingdom by 180,000 (1.3%) and the numbers of
overweight adults by 285,000 (0.9%), researchers report in a study
published online October 31 in BMJ
Dentists confront disability: Nearly 1 in 3 dentists will face disability at some point in their career. It's not always physical injury that can shutter an office.
Dear Plagiarist: Physician Confronts Reviewer Who Stole His Study: A reviewer for the Annals of Internal Medicine admits he stole a Boston researcher's work, added his own name, changed the names of the coauthors and the region of the cohort and got the work published in another journal.
FDA drug approvals: Quality of evidence varies widely: Although many patients and physicians assume that the safety and
effectiveness of new drugs are well understood, the quality
of clinical trial evidence the US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) uses for approvals varies widely, new research
Conference coverage
2016 HIV Drug Therapy Glasgow: Anthony Fauci: Follow the science to end the AIDS epidemic.
2016 American Academy of Ophthalmology Meeting: Mediterranean diet cuts AMD risk by more than a third.
2015 15th European AIDS Conference: Europe struggles to meet 90-90-90 UNAIDS targets
2015 IDWeek Coverage for Medscape Medical News included ebola fallout and chikungunya progression in addition to news from HIV/HCV studies.
2015 Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) Topics included 3D printing, breast imaging, breast density debate.
2015 European AIDS Conference